
Phantasya Communication s.r.l.

Centro Direzionale, IS/E2 - 80143, Napoli
Email: info@phantasya.it

Calle Numancia, 185 – P.2 PTA.2
Barcelona, 08034


About Us



Phantasya is an experimental laboratory for new forms of communication which combines the decades of experience of its creators to the growing and changing needs of the market, to develop concepts and high creative, technological solutions.

The team is able to find appropriate solutions to each client’s business necessity. Thanks to its versatility and the different specializations in the field of integrated communication, Phantasya can guide companies from the crafting of main business ideas up to the creation of the brand and marketing strategies, offering an added value to the development plan of each enterprise.

Phantasya focuses on three areas of expertise: the first ranges from brand identity to the corporate portal, from 3D reconstructions to digital restoration of cultural heritages, modeling and three-dimensional animations for films and television, up to virtual reality applications, online and offline; the second focuses on asset management and management strategies for companies; the third, instead, is more concerned with the means of traditional and modern communication, realization of integrated communication plans, management of communication activities above and below the line.

